In defense of Antifa

I’ve heard a lot of talk and seen a lot of articles equivocating antifascists with fascists, or implying they are just as tyrannical or harmful. I think this is a false narrative and actively abets fascist movements by damaging some of their most effective opponents. But there are plenty of reasonable people who look askance at the people blockading and yelling at neo-nazi rallies or who feel intimidated by them, and these arguments may well be convincing to them. I feel this should be challenged.

Fascist movements are a useful tool for union-busting and breaking apart leftist movements, so no wonder a narrative enabling them is getting sponsored by the corporate media. I have no media platform, but I am not afraid of discussion with people who think antifascists are bad. I’m going to set out my case as clearly as I can and try to answer the most common arguments I’ve seen in the process.

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